Saturday, April 5, 2014

Spring Vacation 2014, Part 1

Our vacation started with a trip to Leadville. BayLea is studying Colorado History and part of her learning involves an in-depth look at a famous character. She has Baby Doe Tabor. Baby Doe spent many years in Leadville as one of the richest women in the country, and also as one of the poorest, destitute, and loneliest women in the country.

 Baby Doe's youngest daughter.
 The cabin where Baby Doe lived for over 30 years, alone, and poor, and dependent upon friends to survive.
 Baby Doe's oldest daughter. Even though she had two daughters, she died alone. One daughter, her youngest, Silver Dollar, died in her 30s,  and her older daughter, Lillie, would not acknowledge her mother at all.
 We thought this was all we were going to see of the Matchless Mine. But as we were standing here, taking pictures, and gentleman on a bike stopped and said, "If you're wanting to see the mine and shack, you can take that trail and see it from a distance!" So awesome he told us that, because we would never have known. So, up we hiked.
 And there is is...the cabin and mine that Baby Doe  supposedly promised to keep. Unfortunately, the mine was taken away by the creditors that the Tabor's owed, but the new owners allowed Baby Doe to live in her shack until her death.

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