PE is so much fun for kids. I hated PE when I was little, but we didn't get to do these fun things. Both of my kids love it.
Cup stacking
Cargo Net climbing
Rope climbing
cup stacking
Just playing around on recess.
This is BayLea's Valentine's Day box. So cute!
BayLea and Sarah reading at the Valentine's Day Party.
Mrs. Nofzinger is trying to gather Dad's to be 'Watch DOGS' at our school...just an extra pair of male eyes to help keep an eye out for anything unusual taking place. It's also just a cool thing for Dad's to become involved many dad's don't go to the schools. Jery was one of the first three recruits. I think there has been one more dad who has joined the ranks, but I haven't seen many of them on duty as of yet. We'd love to get LOTS of dad's running around in their Watch DOGS shirts.
We went on a bike ride the other day. OMG we had so much fun! We started out at the Butterfly Pavilion and ended up almost to Connected Lakes before turning around. This will definitely be something that we do more often.
Coach Jery and Breccan at their last basketball game.
BayLea and I had a Mama-Daughter evening out. We went to dinner and then to see Legally Blonde at the college theater. We had a wonderful time. My little girl is growing up, and she is so much fun to hang out with. Love her so very very much. Meanwhile, Jery and Breccan had their individual time...they went bowling and then out for dinner, and then watched a movie at home.
I love these pictures of the two of us...BUT I have to pull them into Photoshop as they are not properly exposed! :)
Breccan played an instrument.
And he had two short speaking parts. He did a great job, and worked really hard on saying it really slowly so it could be understood.
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