Sunday, November 30, 2008

BayLea's finger food feast at pre-k

At pre-k they had a finger food feast. The goal was to practice using good manners and asking things to be passed to them. They could dress like pilgrims or Indians.

Chris Rowland and Joey.
This is BayLea and her closest friend, Gracie. They get along so well! They have several other little girls that play with them too, including Samantha who is also in this picture.
BayLea and Miss Brandi.
They made the cutest little turkeys from cookies and candy.
I was very proud of BayLea and how well she can listen and follow directions. It's also amazing that these teachers can have this many kids quiet and listening to directions. I think I need to take some notes!

Thanksgiving Day

What a busy, fun day. And GREAT food! Josh made a brined turkey and it was fabulous! Everything was so good! And everyone pitched in to help in some way. This is Aunt Tuddy working on the turkey bones, and Jennifer and Taylor.
Jason and his girlfriend, Jennnifer. Yes, there are two Jennifers.
My dear husband!
Catie is very photogenic.

Jennifer dyed Taylor's hair blue. Taylor loves it. I think it's okay; not really my thing. They tried to get me to do it. No way! Totally not me!
Jennifer is very good with my kiddos.
Me and Jery. We hardly ever have pictures of us taken!
BayLea and Breccan sharing the beater from the whipped cream. Don't they just look like they love each other so much and like to share so sweetly. HA! Okay, so I know they love each other, but sometimes it just doesn't seem like it. We had to make them share like this so their photographer mother could take a picture.

Jennifer doesn't like to have her pictures taken, but I'm not sure why, because she's very photogenic.
And so is Jason.
This is my very tired boy having a little fit. Aren't I terrible, taking pictures of them when they have fits? I think it's funny. He is currently having a fit because we wouldn't dip the beater back into the bowl of whipped cream so that he can lick it.
And this is the pie Aunt Tuddy made. Breccan smooshed it with his hands. Luckily the saran wrap was still on it at the time.
Aunt Tuddy and Uncle Cal being cuddly!!! Check out the knife!
BayLea and her olives. She's decided she likes olives lately, but first she must put them on her fingers! All kids do this at some point don't they?
Pa and Aunt Tuddy during dinner.
Jennifer telling a story.
Taylor and Mimi laughing.
We had to have two tables. This was our table. I got the fun of sitting with my children and trying to get them to eat something...anything. I didn't care. Just to put a few morsels in their stomach!
Oh, but they'll eat dessert. Just not the healthy part of the meal!
Taylor and Uncle playing chess. Taylor is a pretty good chess player! It's a game I've never learned!
Jason snapped this picture, obviously when I wasn't expecting a picture to be taken, hence the natural smile showing ALL of my gums. I like it of me! I hardly ever like my pictures!
And I think this one of Taylor is gorgeous! I also have one in black and white that I also LOVE!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Josh's first night here...

Josh and Catie. I didn't get one of Josh and Taylor, darn it!

We played a new game called Hit Or Miss. It was a pretty good game! I like to buy a new game when we're all going to be together. It's so hard to play games though with my kids there. They just aren't quite old enough to play, but they want to. But we went through that with all the kids...Taylor, Catie, Ethan and Leah...all wanting to play at one point and not being old enough.
Big old Uncle squoosh!

Breccan LOVES LOVES LOVES his Pa, whom for some reason he is calling Grandpa, instead of Pa these days.

Thanksgiving Eve

It's almost Turkey day! We're all out at Mom and Dad's new house. It'll be us, Jason, Josh and his girlfriend and his girls, Mom and Dad, and Aunt Tuddy and Uncle Cal. Should be a busy, loud time! Josh has taught his girls to play poker. They do pretty darned well. It's just not a game I've ever enjoyed for some reason, and I enjoy games!
Mimi is helping Breccan with his keys. He obsesses about keys!
It's nice to see BayLea getting to know Taylor and Catie.
For some reason Breccan wouldn't let Uncle Josh take our picture. So here I am looking like a dork! Thank goodness for photoshop to get some of my old lady wrinkles out!
Mom breaking in her kitchen!
A seriously flash filled picture.

Dad and the boys cleaned out the attic at the old house. Josh found a 1944 joke book. The jokes were pretty lame, and Josh got a huge kick out of how lame they were. This is him showing us how funny the joke was that he just read!
Breccan drinking chocolate milk, his newest craving.

We got a new game, called Hit or Miss. It's pretty fun. My kids are too little to play but the rest of the kids in the family will enjoy this game. They're old enough to play.
Big ol' Uncle squoosh.

Boy, my little boy loves his Pa. He wouldn't let Uncle Josh take a picture of me and him, but he'd let me take a picture of him and his Pa, whom he now call Grandpa.