Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 3 NYC--Yankee Game

And here is the reason we came to NYC this time. Jery wanted to see Yankee stadium before it's torn down. The game was good, although because of a Camcorder mix-up he didn't get to see the Memorial Garden like he wanted. It had the statues and memoriabia of Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, and whoever else played for the Yankees. It really is amazing they're tearing it down, because there really is a lot of history. When you think of great baseball players, you'll probably think of at least one of the ones that played here! My personal favorite is Roger Maris...did you see *61? Great show. This is a photo taken quickly as we were delivered to the front of the stadium by a taxi driver. $25 for this trip. Jery had brought the camcorder with him, and GUESS WHAT? You can't take it in. BUT they had a place across the street to check things that weren't allowed in. I don't know what we were thinking, you can't take video cameras in to any professional game. We knew that. Just weren't thinking. So we checked the camera.

Here we are, in the stadium. We couldn't get into the Memorial Garden because it WAS JAM PACKED in the hallways leading to the garden, and you couldn't get in! When you are inside the halls of the stadium, you can see why it's going to be torn down. Well, maybe not, they should use it for small time games or something. BUT it was so claustrophobic. And hot. Jery was about to pass out down there. So we came out to sit in our seats and wait for the game.

Yep, $8.50 for a bottle of beer. Of course, since it cost that, we thought, nah, we don't want one at that price! HA! We bought several!!!! insane, I know!
Some famous players, I think one is Alex Rodriquez.

These guys were doing the rake the yard thing and when the YMCA came on, they all stopped at a certain point and did the dance. it was cute.
So now the game is over. We thought we'd go ahead and just get a taxi back to the hotel and not fight the crowds. But they were charging double our original price. $50 to get home. No way (we'd only spend that on beer!) :) So we got our camcorder out of checking, and decided to catch the subway. The subway system is pretty amazing. After the first time riding it, it's easy!
As we waited, I took pictures and Jery sat on the bench. When the subway came in, we got on. When we got to our stop, we realized we didn't have the camcorder. We think Jery left it sitting on the bench. The saddest part was that we hadn't copied off all of the video from our last trip with the kids to Atlanta and Minneapolis. So we were pretty bummed. If we'd just paid the $50 for a taxi, we would still have our $450 camcorder!!!!!
Although we were both pretty bummed, I was happy it wasn't me that lost it. That is just the kind of thing that I do these days, lose things and forget things. Jery is human afterall!

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